Have you noticed it yet? A change in the winds. A change in our systems. A change in our way of being. The past year has transformed us, the past four years even more, the past ten has been the time of awakening. There are massive shifts happening. It is in the form of heavy winds turning to hurricanes, earth quakes, pandemics, millions of people marching for change, and riots for justice.
What is justice? Starting with purpose, it has been turbulent within each of us. Beginning the day we were born and now it has become a burning flame. All of us feel this passion and more of us want to be a part of this shift than ever before. We are ready to be responsible beings.
So justice is also responsibility. It is the responsibility to live by our values and challenge others’. It is sustaining the beauty and abundance that was gifted to us at birth; love and our planet Earth. Our Earth will not sustain without diversity and acceptance. Diversity of our flora and fauna. Acceptance of diverse cultures, rituals, religion, celebration, and mourning.
Do you hear the whispers? It is your purpose calling. Look past the illusions and look towards our collective future. Our society; beliefs, propaganda, music, and wealth are based on short term relief and reward. “What can fix us now? What can make us feel better now?” But the looming question is how much of this will help our future? The issues existing are not a “problem = solution” equation. It is a complex web of interwoven parts. The answers are not in our heads but they are burning in our hearts. What were you born to do and how will it contribute to our future? We all have a part to contribute. The answer is not outside of you. Remember your purpose.
The next few months we will explore the theme “Earthling Responsibility.” which includes Environment + Inclusion, Reparations of Sustainability within the City, Simple Tech Alternatives, Ecobanking, and the “How-To” of Lifestyle Transitions.
About the Author:
Chloe Buzzotta – Director of Whole Systems Network
Since early adulthood I have been on the journey of environmental stewardship. What are the most ethical and just ways to harmonize our planet, humans, and animals? I have worked with different sectors in the environmental field from Greenpeace to Global Ecovillage Network. My current self-journey is building a livelihood that can support my passion of healing our planet and empowering others.
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